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Aaron Ponti / Qu
Apache License 2.0Qu is an attempt to make the full deep learning workflow more interactive by providing a user interface (implemented as napari widget) that abstracts all steps from ground truth generation and curation to training and prediction.
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iber / Publications / 2021_Gomez_3D_Cell_Neighbour_Dynamics
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseH. Gómez, M. Dumond, L. Hodel, R. Vetter, D. Iber, 3D Cell Neighbour Dynamics in Growing Pseudostratified Epithelia
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Single Cell Unit public / napari-object-analyzer
Apache License 2.0Code and other material for the "Writing napari plug-ins" introductory course.
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Collection of template scripts to perform spike sorting at BEL
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Software package for mapping pixel coordinates to physical world coordinates for colony picking from agar plate.
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Graph-based algorithm to compute propagation velocity in Python
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Track spike sorted units across multiple recording sessions.
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Conrad, Runser, Gómez, Lang et al., The Biomechanical Basis of Biased Epithelial Tube Elongation in Lung and Kidney Development
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rrp / examples / conda
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseUpdated -
Python package to register Mea1k, Dualmode, and NeuroCMOS chips to microscope stages
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csb / CellX
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseCellX is a tool for segmentation, fluorescence quantification, and tracking of cells on microscopy images.
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A Shh/Gli-driven three-node timer motif controls temporal identity and fate of neural stem cells.
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Alessio Buccino / HDsort
MIT LicenseUpdated